Raven Medicine and the Winter Solstice
we think of the darkness as bad or harboring ill fated omens. The darkness however, is actually a place of creation; it is infinite potential.
we think of the darkness as bad or harboring ill fated omens. The darkness however, is actually a place of creation; it is infinite potential.
If you go straight for the most triggering place for to speak truth first, there is a very good chance it will get messy real fast. Add any sensitivity here and what you’ve created is more evidence to reinforce the story about suppressing your needs.
Instead of getting swept up in what the external world is tempting us with, we are challenged to trust ourselves, and then trust ourselves again.
If we hold others in distrust, then we are asking for evidence to prove to ourselves that we are right.
Shamans interact with the spirit world for the purpose of teaching and healing. They penetrate the boundaries of the seen and unseen worlds.
When something you do makes its way into your subconscious, patterns are actually changing. The re-programing is working.
Shamanism is a way of being that penetrates cultures, careers, families and our relationship with the Earth.
As long as there was someone to blame, then it was possible that I was the one to blame. In this way, we can never find peace. We get locked in endless finger pointing.
The fear of being wrong takes over and you actually keep the conflict going. If there is no resolution, then you don’t ever have to face the possibility that you could be wrong
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