Find Purpose. Remove Blocks. Move Forward.

Get Spiritual Life Coaching to Discover Your Purpose and Feel Connected Without Wasting Time on Fluffy Spiritual Practices That Don’t Work.

Private spiritual coaching is designed to help people who feel lost, stuck, or alone find their way back to vitality, purpose, and confidence.

Spiritual Life Coaching with SpiritBird Holton

Have you read all the self-help books?

Tried traditional therapy?

Ran away to a spiritual retreat and returned home to encounter the same problems?

You deserve a better way.

Get an expert spiritual life coach and individualize guidance without

  • Endless talk therapy that doesn’t help you heal deep-seated emotional wounds
  • Medication that numbs you out and takes away your sex drive
  • Feeling alone or isolated on your healing journey

Get ready to heal and...

Foster deep, authentic relationships with the people you love.

Discover renewed excitement and joy for life and your future.

Build unshakeable confidence and self-esteem.

Make empowered, anxiety-free decisions.

Breakthrough what’s really causing your health issues.

Nurture a deep connection to your spirituality.

Release past traumas and emotional blocks.

With SpiritBird's insight and guidance (and clever questioning) I was able to clear stored trauma. Now when anxiety-inducing incidences occur, I’m better able to recognize the anxiety and set it aside, rather than getting carried off in the swirl of worry and constant brain chatter. I’ve learned to trust myself better and leave anxiety out of my decision-making process. Since this program, my life has just rocketed forward and so many positive changes have occurred.
Jenn Photo

Jenn overcame anxiety and received a $13k scholarship

SpiritBird is a gifted healer whose work is filled with grace, integrity, and confidence. She has a supportive, guiding presence that makes each session dynamic and challenging while still feeling safe. I’m so grateful for how she’s held me through a variety of processes. Our work together has expanded my spirit and self immeasurably.

Anne got into alignment with her work and got a deal with Netflix

I had been struggling to clear some emotions that I believe have contributed to some serious health issues. I felt a deep level of compassion and care from this lovely soul. Spiritbird is talented and truly cares about me and my healing. we made quite a few beautiful breakthroughs of deep buried emotions, that have contributed to layers of symptoms in my body.

Kelly had breakthroughs and released long buried emotional conflicts.

The Spiritual Life Coaching You’ve Been Looking For

Whole & Inclusive

In private spiritual coaching, we’ll focus on you—as a whole spiritual, intuitive being. 

While conventional healers focus on psychology and quick solutions, we’ll explore the energetic elements underlying your concerns and integrate your whole being.


You’re not alone. Explore what’s buried in your subconscious—just waiting to be healed—alongside a compassionate, intuitive psychic guide to lead the way and help integrate the healing.


Get spiritual coaching designed for your unique gifts, experience, energy blocks, and way of thinking and being. No one’s path is the same, so you won’t get cookie-cutter healing sessions.

Instead, we will uncover your specific spiritual gifts, develop trust and confidence in them, and discover how to be your own best healer.

Deep & Direct

We’ll go deep and direct because healing work that’s vague or confusing doesn’t last. With over 15 years of spiritual and shamanic coaching, I’ve developed advanced methods that work better and faster and get lasting results.

You’ll use Shamanic Archetypes to quickly get to the heart of your work so you’re not wasting time on fluffy spiritual practices that don’t produce the long-term healing you deserve.  Find your way back to purpose, vitality, and confidence.

Whole & Inclusive

In private spiritual coaching, we’ll focus on you—as a whole spiritual, intuitive being. 

While conventional healers focus on psychology and quick solutions, we’ll explore the energetic elements underlying your concerns and integrate your whole being.


You’re not alone. Explore what’s buried in your subconscious—just waiting to be healed—alongside a compassionate, intuitive psychic guide to lead the way and help integrate the healing.


Get spiritual coaching designed for your unique gifts, experience, energy blocks, and way of thinking and being. No one’s path is the same, so you won’t get cookie-cutter healing sessions.

Instead, we will uncover your specific spiritual gifts, develop trust and confidence in them, and discover how to be your own best healer.

Deep & Direct

We’ll go deep and direct because healing work that’s vague or confusing doesn’t last. With over 15 years of spiritual and shamanic coaching, I’ve developed advanced methods that work better and faster and get lasting results.

You’ll use Shamanic Archetypes to quickly get to the heart of your work so you’re not wasting time on fluffy spiritual practices that don’t produce the long-term healing you deserve.  Find your way back to purpose, vitality, and confidence.

Wasn’t sure what I could offer online, felt guilty, and like it wasn’t possible for me to seek full-on pleasure and joy in my career. SpiritBird honed in on and helped me discover new layers of my blocks as well as my light. It was a great investment because I had an energy healer, intuitive, and business coach all in one! Highly recommend if you need a good kick in the booty. Private sessions helped me focus and created greater accountability for me. It feels good to have individualized guidance.

Leah discovered it’s possible to follow her joy and got confident on what and how to share her soul work.

I was feeling lost and depressed but now I have a clearer sense of who I am and deeper connection to the worlds around me. My intuition and body awareness has heightened immensely; I am able to see my truth more clearly and understand that I'm not here to save the world; people have their own lessons to learn in this life. Working with SpiritBird saved me countless hours of trying to figure out what is going on inside and outside of my body; before I felt like I was just spinning circles, not really seeing or understanding the bigger picture. If you are committed to changing your life, do this program!

Jacquie uncovered a clear sense of who she is and the worlds around her.

I was completely lost. Depression, anxiety, and uncontrollable hyperfocus ruled my life. I also had many unhealthy coping patterns I couldn’t break. I knew something was wrong, even though I was great at masking my symptoms and unhealthy behavior. It was a struggle to find treatment.

When I told my husband I was go into work with a shaman, he had doubts about how helpful it would be, so he asked me to also see a therapist on the weeks I wasn’t meeting with SpiritBird. Being burnt out from self-help spirals, I also had my own doubts of whether or not my sessions with SpiritBird would help. But after two sessions with SpiritBird, I felt a shift—and so did my husband and my therapist.  Soon all my therapy sessions were just me telling my therapist the work I did with SpiritBird, and my therapist saying, “Wow, that sounds amazing! You’re really moving forward!”

SpiritBird helped me reconnect with my inner child, find my sacred space and personal will, set healthy boundaries in my personal, professional, and spiritual lives, and reclaim my creative and sexual energy. I worked through years of religious trauma. My emotional triggers are less potent, I am more confident, and I trust myself again. I’ve also noticed my loved ones trusting me more—and not worrying about my mental health. SpiritBird helped me bring my joy back!

I cannot recommend working with SpiritBird enough. While it is work, it never feels that way. Even when you’re working through deeply rooted issues, it’s so much fun! If you’re tired of treating your mental health symptoms with grueling “traditional” therapy, I urge you to work with SpiritBird, so you can enjoy the magic of taking flight.

Tandy released childhood trauma and found healing and joy


A spiritual life coach is an experienced guide who assists individuals in navigating their spiritual journey and aligning with their inner wisdom and higher purpose. They provide support, guidance, and tools to help clients deepen their spiritual connection, overcome obstacles, and create meaningful change in their personal and professional lives.

A spiritual life coach helps clients explore and understand their spiritual beliefs, values, and experiences. They offer guidance in areas such as personal growth, emotional healing, purpose discovery, and spiritual development. Through various coaching techniques and practices, they empower clients to tap into their innate wisdom, cultivate self-awareness, and live authentically aligned with their spiritual path.

In a spiritual life coaching session, clients engage in deep conversations, reflective exercises, and transformative practices tailored to their individual needs and goals. Sessions may include exploring spiritual beliefs and values, identifying limiting beliefs and patterns, setting intentions, and creating actionable steps toward personal and spiritual growth. SpiritBird brings a unique shamanic expertise to these sessions, guiding you to heal deeply and become your highest and best self.

When seeking a spiritual coach, look for someone who resonates with your beliefs and values, possesses relevant qualifications and experience, and demonstrates empathy, compassion, and integrity. Consider their coaching approach, methodologies, and the level of support they offer. Trust your intuition and choose a coach who feels aligned with your spiritual journey and can support you in reaching your goals.

You’re ready for spiritual coaching if you feel a desire to deepen your spiritual connection, explore your life’s purpose, overcome personal challenges, and are deeply motivated to reach your goals. If you’re seeking guidance, support, and tools to navigate your spiritual path and live a more fulfilling life, spiritual coaching can provide the assistance and resources you need. Trust your inner guidance and take the step when it feels right for you.

Investing in your spiritual growth and personal development is one of the most valuable investments you can make in yourself. Our programs are designed to provide you with the guidance, support, and tools you need for your personal and spiritual evolution and to reach your most inspired goals.

Our coaching plans start at four figures (with payment plans available), offering you access to personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals. With this investment, you’ll receive dedicated support from a seasoned spiritual coach who will empower you to tap into your inner wisdom, overcome obstacles, and align with your highest potential.

Through our coaching and healing process, you’ll experience profound shifts in your mindset, emotions, and spiritual awareness, leading to greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment in all areas of your life. You’ll gain invaluable insights, practical tools, and transformative practices that will empower you to navigate your spiritual journey with confidence and grace.

So, if you’re ready to invest in yourself and reach the next level in your personal or professional life, we invite you to explore our coaching plans and take the first step toward unlocking your highest potential.