Using Dreams in a Spiritual Practice
As we dream, it is like our brains’ way of working out our innermost thoughts and feelings. It is also an excellent way for your spirit guides to connect with you.
As we dream, it is like our brains’ way of working out our innermost thoughts and feelings. It is also an excellent way for your spirit guides to connect with you.
Our electromagnetic field creates an aurora around our body and studies have shown that some gifted healers are actually able to see your aurora.
Many people think of power animals (or spirit animals) as animals that are a lot like them. This can be true to an extent, but often they are also our shadow selves. They represent the part of ourselves we either fear having, need to learn from OR DON’T THINK WE ARE.
When one person begins their spiritual awakening otherwise known as “ spiritual ascension” it marks the beginning of their journey through the spiritual world.
The universe is recognizing itself in a whole new way. If you are dabbling at all in spiritual arts, transformation, consciousness or cosmology, you may come across the following concepts.
Healing work isn’t telling people what to do or what they are doing wrong, it is hearing what is below the surface of what they say. It is feeling what they are feeling, locating it in their body and helping to turn them towards that so they can look at it themselves.
When we make a point to remember our dreams and dream figures, we are telling the universe that we are paying attention and listening.
we think of the darkness as bad or harboring ill fated omens. The darkness however, is actually a place of creation; it is infinite potential.
If you go straight for the most triggering place for to speak truth first, there is a very good chance it will get messy real fast. Add any sensitivity here and what you’ve created is more evidence to reinforce the story about suppressing your needs.
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