Planting Seeds for the New Earth
From an evolutionary perspective, we are consciously growing a garden called New Earth. The age of suffering is so engrained in our system that anything else just sounds impossible, unrealistic, dreamy.
From an evolutionary perspective, we are consciously growing a garden called New Earth. The age of suffering is so engrained in our system that anything else just sounds impossible, unrealistic, dreamy.
One side of the web feels like you are trapped, that you are somehow the victim to this world. The other side of the web is creation.
Then, there are people who swirl the thought energy around and around. When the thought arises from the mind it gets caught in what is almost like a pit.
Many of us were raised with the idea that we have to fight for what we want. Fighting being the key word here.
I am inviting myself to continue on my path by deciding I do not need to suffer to receive.
In reality, you are able to achieve what you dream or you wouldn’t be drawn to it. Doing the work looks like examining yourself and your history to see if or where there is a belief holding you back and working with your mind-body-spirit to allow the block to dissolve.
Once a week is far easier to accomplish when you are starting anything than challenging yourself to every day. This is supposed to be a joyous experience, not a chore. Give yourself a chance to actually get into it.
In the course of my shamanic training, I began to notice a tendency I had. I found myself showing up in ceremony asking for the help, handing over my power and expecting something else to take care of it for me.
I have gone through a great deal of this life feeling truly divided, wondering who am I, wondering from the right brain sense of who am I, searching for a feeling; wondering from the left brain sense, how do I translate this feeling into something I can map
May my path be clear, may I be true to my heart. I have the courage to walk my path. I have the wisdom to do so in compassion. I have the integrity to do so in consciousness. I have the love to call forth what I need and what needs me.
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