
Manifesting for Energy Workers: Vibration

For many centuries, most of us have come into this world conditioned by the age of suffering and separation. It is in our mythology, in our bodies, and in our experiences. Today we are in the process of shifting from the Age of Separation to the Age of Inclusion.

 One of our biggest lessons and greatest powers is becoming conscious of our ability to create. In essence, everything that you experience and everything that happens to you, you are in agreement with – at least on some level. While unconscious to this, it can feel like we are really a victim to the world and to circumstance, but once conscious of this mechanism, we can realize what an empowering thing this can be!

If everything that happens to me is something I created, then I can create everything that happens to me.

Most of us are aware on some level of the next thing that is calling us. We sense it, but have a lot of resistance for any number of reasons: fear we will become too powerful, fear we will lose our community, fear we will fail, fear we are not worthy.

If we look at the mechanics of manifesting, we are essentially looking at something like a yin yang. Opposing forces balance each other. From the perspective of the Age of Separation, that notion is hard to even accept. But we aren’t there anymore and we are crossing the bridge to the New Earth, to the Age of Inclusion. We are currently learning how to hold opposing forces at one time: pain and ecstasy, contraction and expansion, fear and excitement, our shadow and our light.

 Over the next few weeks, we will take a closer look at many of these topics. However, to begin really engaging in this practice, we must talk about vibration.

Vibration is the frequency you project and resonate with. Think of someone you know who you feel really good around. They put out a vibe that is welcoming, and comforting. Conversely, think of someone who has a negative vibe; you can spot it right away. You can’t always explain it, but you definitely sense it. The full spectrum is available to you and over the course of your life, you will probably engage in the full spectrum yourself.

Now, tune into what the vibration of the person you like being around feels like. It probably feels lighter, more at ease, and willing to go with the flow. It feels positive and from a place of genuine heartfelt love versus the front of optimism. There are many layers of frequencies. We are popping in and out of these layers and interacting with one another constantly. In the same way, you can choose your reality you can choose your frequency. That is, in fact, the first step.

So this week, the focus is on raising your vibration. This will help you gain clarity on what you want, learn how to adjust your energy, and also prepare you for engaging in the full spectrum of experience. In doing this work, you may encounter places that feel sticky, uncomfortable, or shameful. Getting in touch with and raising your vibrational pattern will help you step through belief about how the world used to be and move into the future that is calling you.

Here are some simple ways you can raise your vibration:

– Have a personal dance party

– Compliment other people (that you have genuine praise for)

– Skip social media for a day

– Morning meditation

– Warm-up your intention muscles by saying a prayer that is just for you, that has nothing to do with what someone else wants or would be good for others.

– Indulgent day. Choose something healthy and decadent that you don’t normally do like go out for a nice meal, take a bath, or buy yourself something. Again, make sure it isn’t something you normally do. (:

– Say nice things out loud about yourself for a full minute, even if you have to repeat yourself… just keep going.

– Skip. Yeah for real.

You can also check out the “Release the Chains of Struggle” meditation on the free guided meditations page here.

Pay attention to the vibration you feel from others. If you feel something you like, see if you can kind of match that in your own system, but don’t think about it too much. More importantly, have a little fun with yourself.

This week we raise our spirits up!

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