Master the Inner Work That Transforms Your Practice

As a healer or leader, you know  your own inner work and shadows limit how far you can take others on their journey. You also know the frameworks you use limit their potential for lasting change and healing.

Do you long for a deeper inner life, but you don’t feel safe and aren’t sure where to start?

Tired of re-living the same patterns, no matter how many retreats you attend or new practices you learn?

Are you over over-giving to others, putting yourself last, and feeling resentful afterwards–but you keep repeating the cycle anyway?

Do you yearn for a deep, meaningful connection, but keep finding yourself in the same less-than-stellar relationship?

Does your life and inner or spiritual work feel flat? Do you sense there has to be more magic in life? 

Are you done with avoiding taking care of your health and finances and ready to prioritize yourself?

Do you sense that your practice would be more potent if you understood how your work intersects with your clients?

Would you like to take your clients further but yet you sense that your own limitations are in the way?

Are you finally ready to do the inner work necessary to step into your power as a healer or leader?

Underneath everything, you feel the call for more. You’re ready to dive deeper to become a powerful helper or healer for yourself and others.

You are in the right place.

“The wisdom you led us to discover through your carefully guided and chosen words for each and every class and amazingly curated lessons have transformed the person I am from a floaty-fawning- escapist to someone who can stand in my power with confidence.”

Your highest self is calling you.

It’s time to answer.

As someone who is a guide for others, the greatest gift you give to others is the inner work you do yourself. 

The truth is you aren’t here to help or fix others.

You are here to heal yourself. And by doing so, others heal alongside you.

The answers you’re looking for won’t be found by forcing yourself to stay HIGH VIBE, bypassing the real work to be done. Or, checking off all the boxes on the “good spiritual person checklist” that truly does not exist.

The answers (and the path) you seek come from accepting all of who you are.

The Inner Mastery Matrix will show you the way.

Inner Mastery Matrix with Archetypes Map and directions

In this course, you will discover… 

Secrets and wisdom to make immediately, lasting shifts to let go of what isn’t working and invite new ways of being that will.

Medicine and practices to learn to live in peace, connection, and purpose–and be the creator of your reality. 

Insights into your personal challenges and negative thought patterns, including where they come from and why so you can write a new story.

A clear path forward, including your sacred, spiritual purpose and a plan for your next steps your highest spiritual potential. 

Healing methods specific to your archetype and your client’s archetypes so you have better client relationships and outcomes. 

Strategies and tools to help move yourself and others through resistance, based on their archetypal dynamics.

A unique spiritual framework used by practitioners and leaders that will help you better understand your clients and team. 

Proven tools and strategies used throughout the ages to implement with your clients so they get better, faster results that last.

A new, more confident and capable version of yourself as a practitioner or leader who helps others make the change they deserve.

Meet the Archetypes of the Inner Mastery Matrix



Do you feel like you have to do everything in order for thing to get done and get done right? Do you swing between feeling like your too much or not enough?

Welcome to the Guardian. The sacred archetype of the North. 

You’re likely aware that you have control issues, but you also know that anytime you let go of control people let you down. 

You bounce between doing it all, getting overwhelmed, and collapsing into burnout. 

This is the sacred wound of the north

You’re good at getting things done and underneath this wound is the gift of the Guardian.

Once fully embodied it allows you to create amazing communities, systems, support, and empower others with inspiration and action.



Are you often caught in a trap of people pleasing and feeling like you need to be perfect. You feel things deeply, but sometimes it makes it hard to honor your own needs and stand by your boundaries because you don’t like seeing others suffer

Welcome to the Actualizer. The sacred archetype of the West. 

Sometimes it’s hard to know the right thing to do and if somebody could just tell you, you’d be so relieved. Perhaps you feel called to share yourself more authentically like there’s a part of you that you keep hidden, but you’re afraid if you were to reveal it, others would be unhappy with you or judge you.

This is the sacred wound of the West.

When you’re loving heart is paired with your truth, you step into the gift of boundaried compassion and bring people together. 



Do you sometimes feel like you’re in the wrong place or maybe even on the wrong planet? You see all the messed up things in the world that you want to be different. If only it were different, you often think, then you and everyone else could flourish.

Welcome to the Changemaker. The sacred archetype of the East. 

You see energy and are deeply attuned with the cosmic and it feels like people just don’t get it you. You’re stuck with feeling limited in many areas of your life even though you see all these possibilities for change. 

This is the sacred wound of the East. 

When you heal the hurt caused by systems in the world, you step into the gift of the System Changer becoming a bridge builder that moves from limitations into limitless and divine calling.



You’re strong and independent. You don’t like people telling you what to do. You get especially frustrated with overly sensitive people and those who do not speak their truth or find  and not speaking the truth. 

You struggle with anger patterns. When they come out, you end up being the bad guy in other people’s eyes making you feel like it’s better to do things on your own. Avoiding groups and vulnerability is your safest choice.

This is a sacred wound of the south.

When you pair your lone wolf tendency and fearlessness with an open heart, you welcome the gift of Pathmaker. An impactful pioneer and leader who forges new ways in the world.

How Do I Know

Hi, I'm SpiritBird

Years ago, I was really, really stuck.

I remember sitting at my kitchen table looking at my vegetable garden. I knew I had a higher purpose, but I wasn’t sure how to access it or where to focus my time and energy. I was spending a lot of time searching with little progress or relief.

I kept exploring bits and pieces from psychology and various spiritual methods and teachers, but I still couldn’t figure out how to apply it to my life in a practical way that had clear results.

Talk therapy just wasn’t cutting it or helping me truly heal.

And I wanted to feel more spiritually connected but conventional religion didn’t work for me.

Once I uncovered the Inner Mastery Matrix, everything changed.

It gave me the tools to face the uncomfortable parts of myself I had been avoiding – the fear, confusion, and pain from my past that was keeping me stuck.

Through my exploration of the matrixes archetypes, I gained a deep understanding of my place in the interconnectedness of life. I started to see the world with new eyes.

I learned how to identify my triggers and move through my anxiety and fear. The archetypes even provided a method to help me when I got stuck in resistance.

I created a deep connection to my wisdom so I can make confident decisions.

These spiritually guided decisions helped me take control of my life. 

I was finally able to accept all of myself, and through exploring the Inner Mastery Archetypes, find the deeper meaning and spiritual connection I had been looking for.

Now I live with a clear understanding of my path and enjoy relationships that are deep and loving. In the 15 years since, I’ve lived a deeply fulfilling, intentional life helping others heal and reach their highest spiritual potential. 

But most importantly...

In studying the archetypes and doing the work myself, I became a better leader and healer. I now see the archetypes manifesting in my clients and use the Inner Mastery Matrix to help them get better, faster results. 

Anna student review

“The amount of “seeing” that is happening has been unreal. I feel such clarity. Before everything was so muddled between what was happening and what I was feeling (empathy overload). Now it’s like I see what’s going on and I understand what I’m feeling versus what someone else is feeling, and I’m seeing how everything is interwoven. It’s so amazing and clarifying really allowing me to make more clear and informed choices about how I want to engage with people (or what I want to shift within myself).” 


All of this is possible for you too

By learning how to tap into The Inner Mastery Matrix, you will...

Begin Your Journey of Self Mastery


Part I: The Wisdom of Transformation

Discover your unique path and process to heal your wounds and step into your gifts. All guided by unique wisdom and energy mastery. Get expert insights and tips on navigating this process and guiding others through it. 

Part II: Archetypes Deep Dive

Explore each archetype in depth. Including their wounds, gifts, purpose and how they interact with each other, taught especially for practitioners or people in leadership positions. Each section includes an embodiment activity to use on yourself and with others.

Part III: Calling in the Life You Want

Bring it all together in this powerful training that will reveal the path to purpose with each of the archetypes and how to apply the teachings for healing and self-actualization. 

It’s time to master your inner work.

& Transform your practice

& transform your practice

Inner Mastery Matrix

Get started by taking the Inner Mastery Archetype Assessment

“I love the material. This is very exciting and compelling!”


“Thank you so much. I still find it so uncanny when I’m doing the curriculum and whatever comes up in that particular lesson is precisely what I need personally. Extraordinary. I’ve never experienced so many synchronicities.” 


This Program is for you if you...

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“Since this program my life has just rocketed forward and so many positive changes have occurred.” 

Inner Mastery Matrix

The Definitive Guide for practitioners & Spiritual Healers