
Training is a huge part of energy work. It is a constant exploration of inner worlds and outer worlds. Most shamanic practitioners know that even though these encounters are rare, not all the energy and spirit we deal with qualify as compassionate. They might all have their teachings, but some energies come fraught with trauma, wounding, or even addiction. Some energies need to be healed, and we are taught to use caution and be aware that this can be tricky.

In my life, I have always had a great admiration for discipline. Eternity and splendor play balancing roles in our lives. Likewise, in energy work, balancing discipline, play or joy is key to being in your power, being in integrity.

I find the approach naïve or careless when I work with energy practitioners that do not have clear boundaries set that implement working with compassionate spirits. Recently, I asked myself, why do I feel this way? Is setting boundaries and intentions to work only with “good” energy just superstitious or is it an Absolute responsibility?

Let’s look at an example. Skeptics see salt in ceremonial practices as superstitious. Yet, salt has been used for centuries by cultures worldwide. It is known to produce negative ions that cleanse the air and aid in healing and protection. More importantly, when salt is laid out it is done so with an intention to ward off evil spirits or protect a place or being. In my experience, the intention is the most important part. If we do not lay down the energetic salt prior to our work, are we being reckless?

In practice, I always create an intention around the spiritual or energetic work I am about to embark on. To what extent do you believe this is important and to what extent do you believe it is superstitious? Do you believe not engaging in this practice is irresponsible? Do you think unsaid understandings are enough?

This subject also brings to mind fundamentalist healers who believe that practitioners must be formally trained in specific arts. While I am often a subscriber to this belief, I don’t know maybe it is an extremist view coming from a place that wants to protect the arts but has a shadow of wanting to keep it for the elitist few. At what point is the preservation of traditions noble and where does it fray into authoritarian cries of superiority? There is a difference between discipline and discernment, do we shut down our evolution for fear of crossing the lines? I don’t know.

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