Shaman School

Heal Yourself and Others

An important question for healers, seekers, and journeyers on the path…

If you knew there was a way you could heal yourself and help others in their healing…

While growing a thriving spiritual business that allows you to serve a world that is in such desperate need of your gifts…

Would you finally feel confident enough to answer the call in your soul?

Shaman School

Grow Your Gifts and Share Them with the World

If you’re here, it means you’re experiencing what most healers refer to as “the call.”

But it isn’t always clear..

Maybe you know you have spiritual gifts, but you don’t know exactly what they are or what to do with them.

You might be wondering if you can trust that knowing within you, or you’re afraid that you don’t know enough yet.

You feel like you’re on the edge of a big shift, but you can’t seem to move through the fear or self-doubt that is holding you back.

Perhaps you’re stuck in a family, career, or community that you fear would disapprove or reject you if you revealed the truth that’s in your soul.

However it’s showing up for you…

You are ready to step into the truth of who you are and create a thriving life and business that truly serves others.

It’s time to let that fire that’s burning within you OUT!

If this is you…

You’re in the right place.

Since I was a child, I secretly knew I was wildly magical, but I didn’t think it actually meant anything or had value. Since I was highly sensitive, I often felt like I was drowning from the feeling of all the suffering on earth.

And then, of course, there was my own pain. As I grew up, I was shy to talk about everything I knew and felt, let alone treat it as a gift.

When I discovered Shamanic Healing I learned I had shamanic gifts the whole time. When I started getting into advanced Shamanic work, my true gifts began to really come out.

 But more importantly, Shamanism taught me how to interact with all of life, understand where I was on my spiritual journey, and how to open to the next level of spiritual leadership that life was calling me to.

The Shamanic path helped me bring my gifts forward and share them in a way that created deep service and impact.

I continue on this path today.

 When I said yes to the call, I finally began to trust my higher wisdom. All the pieces of my life started to fall into place, my money, my career, my relationship with the world, and my ability to show up and fulfill my purpose. 

I wanted to give back and help others, and Shamanism helped me see my role in the world, which was to help others learn to use their gifts to help others AND learn how to offer them in a way that was in alignment with their spiritual business.

You too are hearing the call for a reason!

Welcome and thank you
for showing up.

You Deserve To Grow and Share Your Spiritual Gifts

Through the art and practice of Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, you too can grow your spiritual gifts, guide others through their deepest healing, and grow a thriving spiritual life that allows you to have incredible impact.

And the good news is… our world is ready for you.

The collective has never been in deeper need of healing, and those who are prepared to heal themselves and others.

You don’t have to be afraid any longer. It’s time to step forward and claim your gifts.

By applying the Shamanic tools to your own life and your work with others you will:

holton healing arts review


Reiki Healer

I envisioned having a successful healing arts practice. One that provided me a sustainable income and allowed me more free time to spend with family and friends, create art, and more time to travel. I could visualize myself in this lifestyle, but, honestly I lacked the clarity and confidence to bring it to fruition. Her intuitive guidance and savvy business sense, lead me to clearly see my gifts, create a healing offer and share this with others. It is quite empowering to heal your past, stand in your truth, and call in all that your soul longs for.

Grow Spiritual Gifts

You will learn to access your intuition and spiritual gifts on demand, so you can make conscious, confident decisions about relationships, investments, career and personal needs. Plus you will learn how to use your unique gifts to heal others.

Energy Reading

Learn how to read the energy of systems, situations, and your own, so you can know where your energy is going and how to maximize your time, money, and relationships. You will become clear about what your role is in the world, how to navigate dark times, and step into abundance.

Shamanic Journey

Master Shamanic Journey by learning how to visit unseen realms, energy centers, the past and future, and your inner landscape. The potential for exploration and understanding in Shamanic Journey work is limitless.

Self Trust

Learn how to surrender and let wisdom, information, beauty and lessons come through you and inform the world for the purpose of compassion and healing. With deep self trust you will be able to navigate the journey of stepping forward into your next level as a spiritual leader. 

Sacred Ways of Being

Integrate spiritual and regular life in a way that is fluid and enriching. With regular weekly sacred circle, you'll have the accountability from others to show up in service and integrity. Giving yourself sacred time each week will help you connect to yourself deeply. In turn, you have more energy to share with others.

Healing Techniques

Learn the art of creating ritual, holding space and specific tools to heal others. You will be able to accurately locate blocks, hold trauma and move the energy. Even if you don't intend to do professional healing work, the personal journey you will go on is deeply transformational. Plus, you will know how to support others going though transitional or traumatic experiences.

Katy Jo Holton, Spiritbird

Shaman School, our premium training ground, is an 8-month journey of the Shamanic worldview, spiritual practices, healing techniques and personal transformation.

Once a week we come together for sacred ceremony and practice. During our time together, you will receive Shamanic teachings, practice techniques, group journey work and get personal healing.

In this process you will strengthen your Shamanic journey practice and methods for working with clients while deepening your understanding of Shamanism.

Why this program is unique...


Qualifying participants will receive a Shamanic Practitioner Certification.

Get the confidence and credibility to begin or enhance a professional practice.

Shaman School Certification


Since Shaman School, I have built healthy relationships with family and friends through letting go, excepting people where they're at and most importantly forgiving in my heart. Because of these practices, I have become a better husband, father, and brother, and my Holistic medicine practice has blossomed with ideas and creativity to help serve clients.

Special Bonuses

*Available for a limited time

Private Sessions

Your enrollment includes 3 private shamanic healing sessions focused on personal healing, healing gifts, and leadership that you can use throughout the time in Shaman School.

Dream Business Blueprint Intensive

Get the exact steps you need to create a sustainable healing business in this private coaching call.

Healers' Circle Membership

Includes 4 months in our membership where you will get client and marketing support for your amazing healing arts business.

The Curriculum

Our journey takes us around the ancient wheel of the four directions, each week gaining a teaching and healing technique around these potent topics and so much more!

Navigating the Spirit Realms

Learn how to visit unseen realms, access their wisdom, and translate messages from Spirit so you can be a well-versed guide for others.  

This section includes:

Energy Reading and the Ancient Wheel

Learn how to work with the four directions, the elements, and read energy. You will be able to identify the core patterns in the universe so you can shift what has you stuck and step into the highest vision you have for yourself and your clients.

Learn to Navigate

Shamanic Healing Techniques

Master the core components of healing techniques like how to: 

Advanced Healing Tools

Discover advanced, cutting-edge tools to create a comprehensive healing practice and help you heal your own fears, so you can confidently step forward, share your spiritual side with others, and meet the world as the stand-out healer you are.

You will learn how to facilitate:

Your Sacred Practice

Bring the teachings together and apply them to your life, community, and business. Embody the medicine so you can be the evolutionary leader and make a positive impact in the world.

You will learn how to::

AboutYour Guide

I am a Shamanic Healer, best-selling author, and the founder of Holton Healing Arts Shaman School. I have 15 years of experience creating unique transformational sessions for her clients. My psychic skills guide you through connecting to your own inner knowing so you can heal your past, live with confidence, and understand how to use your spiritual gifts to reach your highest potential. 

I trained with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies for four years while completing my MA in Transformational Leadership. My training includes indigenous wisdom, non-native teaching, and the direct experience of working with hundreds of clients.

My approach to Shamanic practice will allow you to step into your confidence in helping others and navigate spiritual realms with wisdom and clarity.

Through Shaman School, you’ll learn the necessary skills to assist others on their journey, create an innovative and unique healing program for your business and heal the fears of stepping into your highest level of spiritual leadership. 

I have walked many roads in my lifetime, making me a relatable leader who understands the balance of compassion, accountability and authenticity.

"Shamanism has taught me so much in my life. I am constantly in awe of how natural these practices are for most people and how quickly we realize we have much more power and awareness than we give ourselves credit for. Some people say humans are naturally bad, but I see over and over again how we are oriented towards beauty, love and healing."


When I started the course it was based on an intuitive nudge that I needed to be there, but I was scared and unsure of my gifts plus how in the world was I even going to create a business let alone help anyone?! I needed a gentle container to grow and gain more confidence personally and professionally. Now not only have I learned a new healing modality, I know taking part in this class is a turning point and something I’ll look back on as a pivotal moment in my life.

This Program is For...


This Program is Not For...

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it matter if I'm new to Shamanism?

Nope! This program is perfect for those that are new to Shamanism or have just a little experience. However, it is an advanced course for individuals who know they have healing gifts and want to learn how to use them more powerfully.

I already work as a coach or healer, can I blend this with my practice?

Yes, this work blends beautifully and powerfully with other practices. Your trust in your intuition and psychic skill will make a huge jump, plus you will have direct experience with the material, giving you confidence to know where your clients are and how to guide them to the next stage in their life. Using a blended approach will give you a unique edge in your market.

What if I am interested in Shamanism but don't want to work as a healer?

We all get called to the Shamanic Path for different reasons. For many of us the call is to step into spiritual leadership and elevate our family, community, or business. For others, it is a deeply personal practice. Know that this path can apply to many careers.

When does it start?

Often when you hear the call, you are compelled to jump in right away, which is why you can join anytime. Many programs have only one or two start times throughout the year and we want you to feel ready and excited to being at a time that works for you. Bonus! You’ll get a special one time offer when you apply, so show up ready!

Will there be group work?

You will have the opportunity to collaborate and share with a small group, as well as work one on one with another participant, so you get hands on experience applying your skills. That’s something you definitely don’t get from a book! The program is flexible because, hey life happens, that being said, you will want to be committed to showing up as much as possible.  

Does my location matter?

This program is virtual, so you can join from anywhere. Although you will find you want to be there live, we all have a so much to coordinate in our lives that the ceremony will be recorded, so you can listen when it works for YOU! That way you don’t have to stress out if something in your life changes.

How much time will it take?

The program is an intensive designed to help you become a skilled practitioner in a short period of time. Plan for about 3-4 hours a week. You’ll find you love reserving sacred time for yourself each week.

What happens when I'm done?

You can apply the knowledge and skills directly to your current career or you will be able to start a Shamanic Healing or coaching practice. You will also receive a certificate of completion and qualify for advanced training opportunities.  

What is required for certification?

Certifications have never been required or part of Shamanic Healing. Having a certificate does not make someone a healer. That being said, we want to honor the commitment and depth our journeyers go through by offering a certificate for completing the program. To qualify, you must demonstrate an embodiment of the material, complete the recorded content, and attend a minimum of half of the live calls. 

What is the investment?

We have a few different program options available depending on your level of experience and personal intention or goal. They are four-figure investments with payment options available.



holistic counselor

For me Shaman School was less about that I had a gift and was more about learning who I am and TRUSTING who I am. I eventually came to the conclusions that I am the gift. The presence of myself. I am the magic. I am the healing. I had to get over the ego and learn that it's not about right or wrong so I could trust myself to help my client be present for what they needed to know.

* Holton Healing Arts is proud to donate a percentage of profits to wildlife preservation, diversity, and connection.
Holton Healing Arts, LLC © 2025